Courtcare Tennis Court Service

Doug's Blog  



28/06/12 New turf pickup for lifting carpet pile


18/09/11 New power brush for removing contaminated sand

09/08/10 This season has seen more rain and lots of thick moss

05/07/09 This court in Hawthorn needs a complete washout

27/05/09 New equipment for filtering sandbase of synthetic grass

07/11/08 This year has seen incredible growth, regular maintenance
is a must


12/07/07 Wet winters are back, lots of moss and algae growth,
get your court sprayed early


20/07/06 If you haven't treated your court for this winter, you should asap.
Moss and algae are active out there. On coarse sand filled synthetic grass
courts, the weeds are taking over. Get some Herbicide on them fast.


 Courtcare Tennis Court Service

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 A division of Racquets Plus Pty Ltd


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